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Blanks to be fired during active shooter drill at local school


BETHEL PARK, Pa. — Active shooter training will be conducted Thursday at Bethel Park High School, and students will be exposed to the sound of gunfire, according to a letter to parents.

The A.L.I.C.E. Drill, conducted by school police and a trained A.L.I.C.E. team, will be a scenario including an alleged shooter in the school.

A.L.I.C.E. stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter and Evacuate.

During the drill, police will fire blanks in hallways to expose everyone to the sound of gunfire in the building. The blanks will not be fired at anyone.

“The faculty and staff have been apprised of the situation and over the next few days the students will be shown a PowerPoint in homeroom, providing them with the needed information,” the letter to parents said.

"Even though they were told ahead of time, what will happen -- I think kids with any kind of issues will intensify," said grandparent Marlene Vavrek.

Nicki Sink, whose daughter is a junior at the high school, has no problems with the plan.

"Why not give them the tools to be ready for it instead of being worried about a traumatic experience of what could be a traumatic experience?" she said.