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Businessman accused of using fake license to provide officers for local businesses


ALLEGHENY CO., Pa. — A local businessman is accused of making a fake license and forging signatures for his unlicensed company.

Thomas Alexander is facing nine charges. He was running a popular Pittsburgh business: Production Security Corp.

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The company's website says it provides armed and unarmed officers to local businesses, such as Top Golf in Bridgeville and Sephora in the South Hills Village Mall.

And the Allegheny County District Attorney's Office said that's exactly the business Alexander ran – but with a fake license.

Police said the license was a stolen template with a forged signature from a lawyer in the area, and that lawyer denied signing the certificate.

Also, two employees told investigators they were never paid hundreds of dollars owed to them for their work. Detectives learned their checks had been cashed by Alexander.

Alexander was charged in 2012 with the same crimes. He declined to comment on this story.