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Canon-Mac School District to consider bringing students back for 4-day full in-person instruction in January

CANONSBURG, Pa. — The Canon-McMillian High School is quiet. It’s been closed because of COVID-19 cases as leaders met to discuss the future as it relates to bringing kids back to buildings.

“It’s concerning but as far as the school goes. They’ve done a pretty good job at keeping everyone socially distanced in the school,” said sophomore Brooklyn Biggs.

The high school shut down a week ago after three students and a teacher tested positive for COVID-19. In the days since, others tested positive as well, bringing the total to seven.

Still, the district plans to reopen the school with its hybrid model Monday, saying it’s following department of health guidelines.

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“I think it’s best the kids stay at home a bit longer, but when does it end? That’s the other question. Do you keep them at home for months on end, send them back, and will it reappear?” said Samantha Oram.

Other parent; however, feel kids should be back five days a week and spoke up during a school board meeting held Thursday night at Muse Elementary. That school reported its own cases, two of them, earlier this week.

School district superintendent Michael Daniels told the school board that although a plan was being presented to increase face-to-face instruction, “The Canon- McMillan School District administration and the Canon-McMillan Education Association, including the school nurses, cannot support a full return to school at this time.”

The plan also includes keeping a full remote option for students.

Biggs said she would like to stick with her current hybrid schedule.

“I just prefer it that way. I think more time to clean and sanitize everything. More room, less people,” Biggs said.

The school board is considering a plan to bring students back for 4-day a week instruction on January 19. Kids would will attend school Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesdays will remain a full remote instruction day, school district officials said.

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