Cleanup continues after dozens of shops, businesses smashed during protests

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PITTSBURGH — Dozens of businesses and shops were smashed into as a peaceful protest descended into rioting and looting in downtown Pittsburgh Saturday.

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A Rite Aid on Sixth Avenue had all of the windows busted out. Stores along Wood Street, including the CVS Pharmacy were damaged. The Zone 2 police substation was boarded up after the windows were smashed. The T Mobile and Cricket Stores on Fifth Avenue were broken into and looted as well. Many businesses had just reopened from the coronavirus shut downs.

Large planters that line the streets downtown were overturned, and the plants were thrown around. Dumpsters were also set on fire.

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Thousands of people turned out for what started as a peaceful march over the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis that then turned violent as police cars were set on fire Saturday afternoon. Pittsburgh police said they were still making arrests just after curfew started as pockets of rioters remained downtown.

By 10:30 p.m., officers said the streets were mostly empty.

There is another curfew scheduled to go into place Sunday night at 8 p.m. and it will last to 6 a.m. Monday morning.

The FBI confirmed to Channel 11 that agents will be assisting local and state authorities in the investigation. FBI officials issued the following statement:

"FBI Pittsburgh has worked closely with our local and state partners throughout the events of the past couple days and continues to work closely to address any violations of federal law. If there is evidence a federal crime was committed, we will work in coordination with our U.S. Attorney’s office.”

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