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Former firefighter accused of sexual relationship with 15-year-old


RUFF'S DALE, Pa. — The mother of a 15-year-old says she's "relieved" that the man accused of having a sexual relationship with her daughter is facing charges.

Derek Ruth, 27, is accused of knowingly having a relationship with the girl despite her young age.

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"It could happen to anyone. Every parent should watch, as much as I watch my child's social media, people can convince them and con them," the girl's mother said. "I've preached to her and my other children all their life.. and somehow she fell susceptible to it."

Channel 11 is not naming the mom or showing her face to protect the identity of her daughter.

The mother said that last year she found a Facebook conversation between her daughter and Ruth talking about sex and nude pictures.

When police interviewed Ruth, he allegedly said, "I thought she was 18 years of age but I knew she was younger than that."

Now the mother is hoping this case helps protect other children.

"Justice for not just my child but everyone's children out there. And gets other children the courage to come forward," she said.