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Didn’t receive your Pa. mail-in ballot? You should vote at the polls on Election Day

PITTSBURGH — More than two million people applied for mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania for the presidential election, but thousands still have not received them.

Pa. election officials want voters to know that if you haven’t received your mail-in ballot by Election Day, you should go to the polls and cast a provisional ballot on Tuesday.

“Do not worry – if you haven’t received your mail or absentee ballot you will not lose your right to vote,” said Kathy Boockvar, Pa. secretary of state. “Anyone who hasn’t received their mail ballot should go to their polling place on Election Day and vote by provisional ballot. Your ballot will be counted if you are a qualified voter who has not already cast a ballot.”

Polling places in Pennsylvania are open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day. If you have questions, you can ask a poll worker.

Not sure where your polling place is? CLICK HERE to find out!

Any voter who has received but not yet returned their mail ballot should do so immediately by hand-delivering it to their county election office, satellite election office or other designated drop-off location. Voted mail ballots will not be accepted at polling places.

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