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Here are positive things happening within our community (4/6/20)

We know that the coronavirus pandemic is an overwhelming and stressful time for everybody, so we’re going to put together some positive things that are happening within our community to help those in need.

Have questions about the spread of the coronavirus? We have an entire section dedicated to coverage of the outbreak. CLICK HERE for more.

It’s apparent that during hard times, the Pittsburgh region always comes together to help one another.

11-Year-Old Makes, Donates Protective Masks

An 11-year-old in Wexford is making protective masks and donating them to churches and others in need during the coronavirus pandemic.

Ava Arnold has made about 150 masks, which she designed and makes out of T-shirts, string and pipe cleaners.

“I’ve always liked to do crafts and stuff like that, so this is just supposed to be a little craft so I can make a mask for my mom, but it turned into a big thing and I had fun doing it,” Arnold said.

Cranberry Business Building Protective Partitions

A Cranberry business that specializes in building high-end fish tanks has switched gears to create and install protective partitions to help protect people as the coronavirus spreads.

Viper Enclosures uses acrylic in the construction of the fish tanks, and now the partitions.

“We need those businesses. We need the grocery stores. We need the pharmacies. We need the gas stations. So, it’s really important that we protect those employees and their customers,” Gary Lindner, Viper Enclosures, said.

230 Pizzas Donated By Angelia’s Pizza

Angelia’s Pizza in North Fayette Township has donated 230 pizzas as part of its Pay it Forward Campaign.

“We have delivered over 100 Pizzas so far to families in need within our community & we will deliver another 100 this week,” a Facebook post said.

Here is an update on our Pay it Forward Pizza Campaign! We are up to 230 Pizzas donated! We have delivered over 100...

Posted by Angelia's Pizza on Sunday, April 5, 2020
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