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Duquesne University releases findings of independent investigation into football player’s death

PITTSBURGH — Attorneys for Duquesne University released its findings of it’s commissioned investigation on Wednesday regarding the death of a 21-year-old student-athlete.

Channel 11 has followed the case of Marquis “JB” Brown since October 2018, when he jumped from the 16th floor of a dorm building, according to police.

The lawyers with Reed Smith, tell Channel 11 they conducted a thorough and independent investigation, and it supports the original Pittsburgh police findings that Brown broke a window and jumped after police were called for “erratic” behavior.

Witnesses, which included not just campus officers, but a resident assistant and Brown’s roommate, claim police did their best to deescalate, with no confrontation or threat of force.

A drug test reportedly revealed marijuana in his system, according to authorities. The investigation could not determine where he got it from.

In the time since, Dannielle Brown, Marquis Brown’s mother, has questioned the integrity of the investigations, claiming her son had just celebrated a birthday and was looking forward to a bright future.

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This summer, she launched a hunger strike, took part in a protest and spelled out three demands: to have an open, new and independent investigation, to equip all Duquesne officers with body cameras and to train all Duquesne officers to handle mental health crises.

Lawyers with Reed Smith said that Dannielle Brown, has made recent monetary demands from Duquesne, but would not elaborate.

Channel 11 has reached out to her for comment, but are waiting to hear back.

If you’d like to read the full statement from Duquesne University, CLICK HERE.