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East Pittsburgh Council holds first meeting since shooting death of Antwon Rose


EAST PITTSBURGH, Pa. — The East Pittsburgh Council met Tuesday night for the first time since Antwon Rose was killed by an officer they had sworn in just hours earlier.

East Pittsburgh Officer Michael Rosfeld shot and killed Antwon Rose almost one month ago.

"We are all greatly saddened for the tragic event that cost Antwon his young life," said East Pittsburgh Mayor Louis Payne.

Several demonstrators were at the meeting and their main goal was to ask the mayor of the community and council members questions and express concerns they have about the police department's policies when it comes to use of force.


Before public comment, the solicitor for East Pittsburgh said any questions regarding the Rose case and Rosfeld would not be answered because it's a personnel matter.

Several people express their concern with the current mayor and the police department, and like they've been saying for weeks -- they want Rosfeld fired.

Channel 11 asked Payne why it took so long to hold the meeting.


"I think we need a little bit of a healing process. A couple of weeks something like that. We have some things in place, a prayer walk, I couldn't even speak about those things tonight," Payne said.

He wouldn't elaborate, but said there will be some information at the next meeting they will share.

Payne said the East Pittsburgh Police Department does have policies, but said the policies might not have been updated the way they should have been. That's all he would say about the issue.

He also said the East Pittsburgh police chief met with the Wilkinsburg police chief two weeks ago to exchange information and said they are very thankful for the information the Wilkinsburg police chief gave them.