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Family gets 'day to remember' thanks to oncology nurse

WEXFORD, Pa. — For a family in Wexford, it was a day they'll never forget, and it was all made possible thanks to a local nurse with a special idea.

"I feel like it's a moment where our family, just the four of us, can celebrate being a family together," said Leah Lindenfelser, who spent the day taking a limo around town.

Why? It's a special day. You might even call it a day to remember.

Leah, Mike and their children, Eric and Kaitlyn, are visiting their favorite spots in Pittsburgh: Pamela's, an art studio and the Pittsburgh Zoo -- all hand-picked by a family facing a tough battle.


"I was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer a year ago, so clearly while this has been the most challenging year of all four of our lives, it has also been the year where I have absolutely seen the good in people," Leah said. "I could be sad, and I could be upset about this hand that I've been dealt, but I don't want to waste my time being sad."

"The good in people" was on full display, thanks to the organization One Day to Remember.

It was the idea of Rachel Antin, an oncology nurse who watched families face life-limiting cancers every day.

Now, she's made it her mission to give those families a day they'll never forget.

"Some people like the ballgame, some people like the zoo, whatever will be the perfect day for them," Antin said.

"It's something I can watch the kids and Leah interact and just kinda stay back and just watch," said Mike Lindenfelser.

"Hopefully when my kids look back on this, they appreciate it and they know we had a great day, as a family of four," Leah said.

For more information on One Day to Remember, CLICK HERE.