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First mini-casino license in Pennsylvania awarded to Penn National

HARRISBURG, Pa. — HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) - Penn National Gaming has won the right to put up a casino in southcentral Pennsylvania.

It submitted a winning bid Wednesday of just over $50 million, beating out three other bidders.

The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board is auctioning the rights to 10 new mini-casinos as the state government looks for cash to patch up a budget deficit. The mini-casinos can have 750 slot machines and Penn National plans to pay another $2.5 million to operate 30 table games.


Penn National currently operates a full casino in suburban Harrisburg.

The casino would go inside a 30-mile circle that includes the city of York and is bisected by Interstate 83. The center of the circle is the borough of Yoe, about 10 miles from the Maryland border.

It must meet licensing requirements before the deal goes through.