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Florida gang targeting cars outside fitness centers, day cares


Originally published April 14, 2017

Police said a gang from South Florida is targeting people here in the Pittsburgh area.

It's called the Felony Lane Gang.

"They target gyms and day cares because they know more than likely women leave their purse in the car," said Sgt. David Mazza of the Sewickley Borough Police Department. "Within 10 to 15 minutes, that card will be used."

Police said gang members break into cars parked outside local fitness and day care centers, then use the stolen credit cards before the victims realize they're gone.

Mazza said they've seen several cases in just the last four months.

The first was in January at a church. Police didn't know the group was responsible until another police department called.

"They found some of our victim's belongings in a local hotel in Monroeville," Mazza said.

In late March, police were called to a Cross-Fit location for a shattered window. A woman from the YMCA also told them she had been targeted.

Her stolen cards were used at the Walmart in North Fayette Township, so officers were able to get surveillance photos of the thieves.

Police said if the thieves steal an ID or personal checks, they will have a woman dress up to appear like the woman on the card they stole.