Gov. Wolf blasts state legislators on efforts to roll back COVID-19 restrictions

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HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pa. Gov. Tom Wolf came out swinging Thursday, targeting the general assembly and lawmakers who he says continue to push back on COVID-19 mitigation efforts.

“This irresponsible behavior simply has to stop. This is not the time for grandstanding. This is actually the time for doing things that are going to help people and actually save lives.” Wolf said during a press conference.

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Wolf blasted the legislature and efforts to roll back coronavirus restrictions, and he said his shutdown orders -- along with other mitigation efforts he imposed -- have saved lives.

He said lawsuits and other efforts pushed by Republicans aimed at easing restrictions could have deadly consequences.

“If the efforts that they talk about and tried to put through and push over on Pennsylvanians succeeds, we are going to lose a lot of lives,” Wolf said.

State Rep. Mike Reese (R) sponsored legislation with bipartisan support that would allow school districts to decide their own crowd restrictions at sporting events, but the governor vetoed that bill -- and Republicans could not get enough support to override his veto.

Reese fired back at Wolf, arguing that going to a high school football game can be done safely with social distancing and masks -- like the governor did during a Black Lives Matter protest.

“I’m not sure how that’s any less safe than when the governor decides to go a march in a parade for a cause that he believes in,” Reese said. “You don’t get to pick and choose. You don’t get to say, ‘well, it’s okay to do this with a whole bunch of people, but it’s not okay to do this with a whole bunch of people.’ That’s the mistake the governor is making.”

Wolf said he is worried about a possible resurgence of COVID-19, and that’s why he is continuing the mitigation efforts, but Reese said his constituents want to return to some sense of normalcy.

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