If you traveled to one of these states, you need to quarantine when you get back

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Local and state leaders are reminding people to wear masks and avoid large gatherings this 4th of July weekend.

On July 1, Gov. Tom Wolf announced an order, signed by Secretary of Health Dr. Levine, requiring masks to be worn whenever anyone leaves home.

“The green phase is not a green light to stop exercising caution in large. Although it is the holiday weekend, Pennsylvanians should refrain from attending large gatherings, and if you do go out and interact with others, wear a mask,” Dr. Levine said. “My mask protects you, and your mask protects me. Wearing a mask shows that you care about others, and that you are committed to protecting the lives of those around you.”

If you have traveled, or plan to travel, to an area where there are high amounts of COVID-19 cases, state leaders are recommending that you stay at home for 14 days upon return to Pennsylvania. Those states include the following:

  • Alabama
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Idaho
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Nevada
  • North Carolina
  • South Carolina
  • Tennessee
  • Texas
  • Utah

Pennsylvanians are encouraged to continue to practice social distancing and other preventive measures, including washing your hands frequently, covering coughs and sneezes, cleaning surfaces often, wearing a mask and staying home if you are sick to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto released the following statement ahead of the holiday weekend:

“As we go into a holiday weekend while also experiencing massive levels of new COVID-19 cases in Allegheny County, I strongly and emphatically urge Pittsburgh residents to be careful and smart, and to reconsider any plans for large July 4 gatherings.

The Department of Public Safety has already urged residents to take several safety precautions.

It is necessary to emphasize that we all must follow Governor Wolf’s orders to wear masks at all times, and to keep social distancing and washing hands. If you can, please just stay home. We are at a critical juncture in the fight against the pandemic and letting our guards down, even for a beloved summer holiday, will only make things markedly worse for our families, friends and neighbors.

If we all do our part and make the simple sacrifices necessary, we can and will beat this virus. We must do it together.”

Channel 11′s Rick Earle had a one-on-one interview with Pennsylvania Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine. You can watch the full video below:

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