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Viral post shows last two women holding hands running marathon

The last two women running the Pittsburgh Marathon helped each other struggle toward the finish line just feet in front of the sweep car.

Source: Daniel Heckert

PITTSBURGH — "Hands down my favorite moment of the day." That's the feeling captured in a social media post showing the final two women runners of the Pittsburgh Marathon on Sunday.

The post, written in part by Betsy Magovern, said these two women were "The final two runners with the sweep car behind them." Magovern wrote the runners were roughhy seven hours into the race.

Magovern told Channel 11 she, along with a group of others supporters, were at their cheer zone near mile 25 of the marathon route when they saw the women helping each other struggle toward the finish line.

Magovern described it as an unbelievabe scene, adding many started tearing up watching the effort from the two women. She said she and another woman then jumped in to help support them about another half-mile toward the finish.

The social media post said this was marathon number 12 for the woman on the left and the first marathon for the woman on the right.

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"This right here is worth sharing everywhere. Photo credit: Daniel Heckert 1st photo; Chelsea Prior 2nd photo @pghcitygirlblog. Story credit: Betsy Ann @42krunmom." . . "Hands down my favorite moment of the day. The final two runners with the sweep car behind them. Seven hours into the race. Hand in hand not letting each other quit. One of the most emotional and beautiful running moments I’ve ever seen. The sweep car let them finish. Suzanne and I helped them to the last fluid station then sent them on to the finish. Marathon #12 for the woman on the left and #1 for the woman on the right." . . "This. Is. Pittsburgh." #MOVEPittsburgh #weruntogether. #sharethispost. . . . ⬆️ This was on FB and it had me in tears. Hand in hand not letting each other quit. "If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon." - Kathrine Switzer. . . . #run #runner #running #marathon #inspiringwomenrunners #womensrunningcommunity @inspiringwomenrunners @womensrunningcommunity

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