Heinz launches campaign to make hot dogs and buns packaging match

PITTSBURGH — Why do hot dogs and buns come in mismatched numbers?

That is what Heinz wants to answer, and then put an end to.

The world-famous condiment producer launched a campaign Tuesday to finally get Big Bun and Big Wiener companies on the same page.

Tired of seeing hot dogs and buns sold in mismatched quantities — wieners in packages of 10, buns in packs of eight — The ketchup king started “Backed by the signatures of fans, Heinz will show bun and wiener companies the time for change is now,” the company announced, according to our partners at the Trib.

“Hot dog wieners come in packs of 10. Hot dog buns come in packs of 8. WHY?! As the condiment that has been bringing foods together for over 150 years, we’ve decided enough is enough,” according to a petition at HeinzHotDogPact.com, calling on hot dog lovers to sign in support of the movement.

“We need your signatures more than ever. Let’s change hot dog history together,” the campaign reads.

Heinz said it is the perfect partner to “address this grave hot-dog-to-bun ratio issue” and “resolve this dilemma forever.”

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