Here are positive things happening within our community (5/8/20)

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PITTSBURGH — We know that the coronavirus pandemic is an overwhelming and stressful time for everybody, so we’re going to put together some positive things that are happening within our community to help those in need.

Have questions about the spread of the coronavirus? We have an entire section dedicated to coverage of the outbreak. CLICK HERE for more.

It’s apparent that during hard times, the Pittsburgh region always comes together to help one another.

Teachers , staff host Spirit Night for students in Steel Valley School District

It was Spirit Night for students in the Steel Valley School District.

More than 100 teachers and staff joined in for a parade through their community.

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This was a big hit for both teachers and their students.

It was a chance to say hello after being a part for so long.

Parents said it has been tough on their kids not seeing their teachers and friends.

First-graders hold parade for teacher during pandemic

First grade students at Baggaley Elementary School in Latrobe held a parade for Teacher Appreciation Day.

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