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Homestead police chief suspended after yelling at pregnant woman, calling officers to move car


HOMESTEAD, Pa. — The Homestead community is outraged and some are calling for Police Chief Jeff Desimone to step down after a video surfaced of him in plain clothes yelling at a pregnant woman waiting in the drive-thru of a local Giant Eagle pharmacy.

The woman said she was picking up medication for her sick child -- whom you can hear coughing in the back seat -- and the pharmacy was really slow that day. She said the chief, who wasn’t in uniform, put on his lights to get her to leave. She declined to do so.

>>> PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Homestead police chief caught on video yelling at woman to move car from Giant Eagle drive-thru

Channel 11 talked to Desimone on Thursday. He declined comment, but said he is on vacation and would not be at the Homestead council meeting to discuss calls for his resignation.

On Thursday night, Desimone was suspended without pay for three days.