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Insurance commissioner says state would step in if access to Children's Hospital became an issue

PITTSBURGH — Pennsylvania Insurance Commissioner Jessica Altman said if there was ever an issue surrounding access to UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, the state would likely get involved as it has in other issues of unique care in the Pittsburgh region.

UPMC two weeks ago denied a published report that the hospital system might deny access to Children's Hospital as the 20-year agreement between UPMC and Highmark over Children's Hospital in-network access is set to expire in 2022. UPMC and Highmark have talked in the past about a new Children's contract, including in discussions with the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance. But no agreement is imminent. It's also not covered by the June 30 end of the consent decree on other services between UPMC and Highmark.

Altman told the Business Times in an exclusive interview said she hasn't heard of any issues and wouldn't comment on specific plans if there were ever a question of access.

Read more in the Pittsburgh Business Times.