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Jitney driver accused of firing shots at passenger is headed to trial

PITTSBURGH — A jitney driver is headed to trial after a chaotic ride ended with shots fired.

Channel 11 was the only station in court Wednesday when a judge held all charges against Colleen Barry.

According to court documents, Barry picked up four passengers from a bar in the Spring Hill area on Sept. 13.

When she dropped three of them off in Fineview, she claims one of them pepper sprayed her, and she proceeded to drive next to nearby Mountford Avenue with the fourth passenger.

Barry told police that person also pepper sprayed her and tried to take her money. She allegedly admitted she fired shots toward that person.

"She's upset because she feels she was the victim in this, she feels as though she was the one who was going to be robbed and she defended herself. She had a valid license to carry a firearm. She said she was maced that evening so she's shaken up," said defense attorney Blaine Jones.


But the prosecution presented two eye witnesses who painted a different picture.

They told the judge they heard Barry shouting at someone in the middle of the night and looked out their windows. They claim Barry pulled a gun and fired as that person ran away.

Barry is due back in court next month.

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