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Judge admits former Pittsburgh Steeler into rehab program after DUI arrest

PITTSBURGH — A judge admitted former Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver, Louis Lipps Jr., into a rehabilitation program following a DUI arrest in November 2021.

Lipps appeared virtually in court Friday for his ARD, or accelerated rehabilitative disposition, hearing.

>>PREVIOUS STORY: Former Pittsburgh Steeler appears in court for DUI case

The judge agreed to the standard terms, which include probation for a year, no drugs or alcohol during that time, safe driving classes and a suspended license for at least 60 days. If conditions are successfully completed, the DUI charges will be removed from his record.

Back on Nov. 6, 2021, Lipps was arrested for driving under the influence. Officers responded to an accident on Ruth Street in Mount Washington. Lipps hit into a taco truck. A breathalyzer test showed his blood alcohol level was nearly three times the legal limit.

Lipps’ attorney, Bob Del Greco, released this statement on behalf of his client:

“Louis Lipps, former Steeler Pro Bowl wide receiver, entered Allegheny County’s ARD program this morning subject to 12 months probation and the standard conditions associated with a DUI offender. Mr. Lipps assured that the owner of the vehicle that was struck during the episode was made whole for the property damage sustained. Lipps continues to be a fan favorite and regrets his actions on November 6, 2021.”

Lipps was set to be inducted into the Steelers’ Hall of Honor the weekend after his arrest, but he said he decided not to attend the ceremony because he didn’t want to be a distraction to the other players being inducted.

Del Greco’s statement went on to say:

“Consistent with Mr. Rooney’s statement relative to Louis declination to attend, we are hopeful that Mr. Lipps will be considered for an induction presentation at the appropriate time in the future.”

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