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Girl's seat belt came undone on Kennywood coaster, family says


A roller coaster ride turned terrifying for a Monessen family that was visiting Kennywood this weekend.

A father says his daughter’s seat belt unlatched mid-ride on the Phantom’s Revenge, and the proof is in a photo taken on the ride and shared with 11 News.

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"You can clearly see there was some shock and awe in their faces," Dave Feehan told Channel 11's Amy Hudak.

Feehan's daughter was on the ride with her mother. He said that at first he didn't believe it.


"I said, 'Are you sure it wasn't loose?' Then she sent me the picture Kennywood actually took," he said.

When the ride came to a stop, the family flagged down the operator who reassured them everything was OK.

A Kennywood spokesperson said the ride was inspected and given the green light. Additionally, the park reviewed the surveillance video and confirmed that when the operator checked the seat belt and lap restraint. They were both fastened.

The park is owned by Palace Entertainment. On Tuesday afternoon, the executive director of Maintenance showed Channel 11 how the safety measures on the ride work.

"It's an extremely robust system and not one we have any concerns about at all," Jeffrey Savelisky said.

Additionally, Kennywood says seat belts aren't even required on that particular ride, but are there for added comfort.

Feehan said he's bringing the concerns forward because he wouldn't be able to live with himself if something were to happen.

"Sometimes you have to skyline things, especially if it scares you. It scared the hell out of me," he said.