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Local contractor accused of spending thousands of dollars of customers’ money


A local contractor is accused of spending thousands of dollars of customers’ money to bankroll some big-time purchases, including vacations.

Police have charged Daniel Kloshen, the owner of Steel City Contractors, with deceptive business practices. This comes after he was charged for the same crimes on Friday.

Police said the stories are all too similar.

A family in need of home improvements puts down a huge chunk of cash, $23,000 in one case, but the work is never done.

One family says their walls are crumbling. While this was happening, police say Kloshen was taking trips with his girlfriend to Ocean City, Maryland, spending thousands of dollars and then returning home and buying a truck with that cash.

We were not able to get a hold of Kloshen, but Channel 11′s Amy Hudak talked to his father, who says in part “I am deeply saddened, but not surprised. My son has been in and out of jail for years. His actions have impacted just about every relationship."

It’s always best to check with the Better Business Bureau before hiring a contractor, to make sure you’re in good hands.