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Local woman helps struggling restaurants, families during pandemic


WARRENDALE, Pa. — Lisa Spinello, the manager of House of 1000 Beers in Warrandale, knows just how much of a struggle it’s been for local restaurants. But she also has her finger on the pulse when it comes to how desperate things are for many local families.

“It just kind of works together where I’m helping the small businessman, and I am helping to give families a special night out that they can’t afford to have normally,” Spinello said.

During the pandemic, Spinello came up with a way to help those struggling to put food on their tables.

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She started Operation Feed, and the word “operation” was intentional, because her father created the board game Operation.

Her plan to help others started with money out of her own pocket.

Spinello began taking her daily earnings at House of 1000 Beers to purchase gift cards from local restaurants, and through social media, she found people who were in need.

Now, her reach has expanded to local organizations that help those in need, including food banks. For Spinello, whose father’s board game put a smile on so many faces, this is her turn.

“I wanted to give these families a feel-good moment like the game gave them a feel good moment and give them just a day, like you said, to feel normal,” Spinello said.

Spinello said ever since her first post on Facebook, donations from strangers began pouring in. And just in the past week, she’s received more than $800 in donations from her TiKTok followers.

To date, Spinello has raised nearly $10,000 worth of gift cards, some of which she’s handed out in person.

“Recently, I’m like, you know what? I see these lines at the food banks, so I’ve been going to the food banks and just going up to the cars and handing them out to the people in line,” Spinello said.

Spinello’s charity is not only affecting community members. It’s also helping to keep a handful of local restaurants afloat.

All you have to do is ask her boss how much of an impact she’s had.

“I owe her a debt of gratitude for that because she helped us to keep our doors open,” said Arthur Barbus, owner of House of 1000 Beers.

Spinello’s goal is to buy even more gift cards.

If you would like to help, you can visit her fundraiser Instagram page @operation.feed.