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Police say one man terrorized drivers after pretending be behind the badge


Police said one man is now facing nearly a dozen charges after pretending to be behind the badge.

Police said Dean Parasolick of New Eagle even took one driver’s keys and forced him to lie in the road. A responding officer said he pulled up thinking it was a road rage incident. But what he found instead was Parasolick impersonating officer, threatening drivers and threatening police.

Police said Parasolick forced another driver off the road, accusing him of drunk driving.

“I may have swerved or something. This guy jolts in front of me in his truck, blocks the road.”

Channel 11’s Gordon Loesch talked with Chad Ramsden who said he was on his way home with dinner Sunday night. Ramsden said along Rainbow Run Road near the mon city bridge, Parasolick claimed to be a police officer and threatened him. Ramsden said Parasolick was wearing only a pair of shorts.

“He goes ‘I’m an officer’ and if you don’t sit down, the first time he said he was going to shoot me. And once the police officers got there, he told me he was going to taze me if I didn’t sit down,” Ramsden described.

Police said Ramsden was not impaired, and let him leave.

But Parasolick apparently was not satisfied.

“He kept on repeating that he was a police officer, get out of the vehicle, you’re going to jail, you’re arrested,” recounted Ramsden.

Parasolick allegedly argued with the Forward Township Police Officer, calling 911 and telling dispatchers he was afraid the officer was going to shoot him, tase him or cause other harm. Once other police arrived, Parasolick allegedly threatened officers, making remarks about calling the media and his attorneys, and having them all fired.

“I just thought it was a bizarre incident that could have turned into something worse,” Ramsden said.

Parasolick is facing 10 charges including impersonating an officer, false imprisonment and terroristic threats.