Mom says child found loose Viagra pills in shopping bag from local convenience store

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STOWE TOWNSHIP, Pa. — A Stowe Township mom is sounding the alarm after her child allegedly discovered loose blue pills in a shopping bag.

Ebony Randolph told Channel 11 that her 14-year-old daughter went to purchase snacks from a neighborhood convenience store, Galaxy Market, on Oct. 21.

When she returned home, she alerted her mom to three blue “Pfizer” pills that she found at the bottom of the bag. Randolph researched a code marking on the pills and determined they were apparently Viagra.

That mom confronted a clerk at the store. Channel 11′s Liz Kilmer did the same thing and reached out to police.

“He’s like ‘those were meant for another customer,’” Ebony said.

When Channel 11 went to the store, a clerk initially indicated he was calling the owner but then said he was calling the police on us. Another employee approached. We asked him to comment on the allegations, but he declined.

Meantime, Ebony wants to get the word out so this doesn’t happen to another child. She’s grateful her children didn’t mistake the pills for candy, and accidentally consume them.

She says she filed a police report and turned the pills over to officers.

Police with Stowe Township would only confirm that there is an investigation occurring, but they would not confirm any other information.

County detectives told Channel 11 that they are not involved in this investigation. We also contacted the DEA, but a spokesperson stated that he could not confirm an investigation.

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