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Moon Area School District votes to start school year online without any other options, parents say

MOON TOWNSHIP, Pa. — The Moon Area School District is starting the school year online, but parents said the district didn’t give them a choice.

The school board voted 7-2 in favor of not allowing students and staff to come back into the classroom to start the fall, coming after a virtual public meeting Monday night that lasted over six hours.

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But some parents want to know why there was not another option.

Channel 11 reached out to the district for comment on why the board made its decision and what the plans are moving forward, but we have not heard back.

Paul Castner is one of the frustrated parents who feel the district didn’t listen to the majority -- with over 70% opting for some version of in-person classes on a recent school-wide survey. He and his wife have two children in the district.

“I have a kid with an immuno-compromised situation myself, so yes I do worry about some of that stuff. But like I was saying, my child is in a life skills class that can’t be taught virtually,” Castner said.

These are the plans for Pennsylvania schools and districts for the fall semester

Jackie Ferguson told Channel 11 she too understands the frustration. As a single, working mother she knows the struggle of trying to teach her son and still work.

She has lost loved ones to the coronavirus.

“No one wants their child at home. We all want our kids in school, but I do think it’s the right decision for now,” said Ferguson. “(The virus is) very real and for those that say that’s there’s a 99.5% chance -- and that’s a blessing and I’m glad that there are people who are surviving -- but not everyone does and not everyone can.”

Castner said he believes parents should be given the option of a hybrid model like some districts are offering, with families able to choose what works for their kids.