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Mother upset after bus driver leaves her 5-year-old at the wrong stop


JEFFERSON HILLS, Pa. — A mother wants answers from the Jefferson Hills School District after a bus driver left her daughter at the wrong stop on the first day of school.

“She had me take a million pictures of her. She got herself up at 6:30 in the morning,” said Shannon McBurney

McBurney’s 5-year-old daughter, Evelyn, was over the moon for her first day of school.

“I dropped her off in the morning. She really wanted to take the bus home to see if her friends were on it,” McBurney said.

But Evelyn never showed up at the bus stop that afternoon.

“I started to get worried and then called the school and found out that she was already dropped off at a different location,” she said.

McBurney said her daughter was let off the bus along a busy road with no sidewalks and with no parents in sight.

“I was terrified. I just rushed here as quick as I could,” she said. “When they found her they said that she was in tears.”

District officials sent Channel 11 a statement after the incident:

“We are aware that one of our students was dropped off at the wrong stop in their neighborhood yesterday and are currently working with Durham Transportation to ensure this never happens again.  We are extremely concerned and unsettled that such a thing would happen.  We are extremely grateful that the student was able to be returned to their parents safely.”