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Next steps being taken to change Allegheny Circle in Pittsburgh’s North Side


PITTSBURGH — Changes to the Allegheny Circle in Pittsburgh’s North Side are moving on to the next phase.

Bike lanes have already been added, and now islands on Ohio Street will be removed to make way for the new traffic flow. Currently, traffic goes in one direction all the way around the circle, but it will be a two-way street by the end of the year.

The $3 million project has been in the works since 2016.

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Removal of the islands started Monday, along with traffic restrictions along Allegheny Commons at South Commons, Sandusky Street, East Commons and North Commons. Crews will also be on Ridge Avenue working on traffic lights.

In addition, more work will be done to make the new bike lanes even safer.

“It’s safety for all … for vehicles, pedestrians and bicyclists. Obviously, we’re seeing more and more biking. We want to provide those connections so people can get around in a safe manner,” City of Pittsburgh Chief Engineer Eric Setzler said.

At the intersections, crews will also be enhancing the ADA ramps.