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‘Nothing was ever done.’ Family of baby killed in East Hills speaks only to Channel 11


PITTSBURGH — The questionable credibility of a witness led the judge to dismiss the charges against Robert Thomas, who was scheduled to stand trial in the Wilkinsburg mass shooting case.

An attorney claims that same witness confessed to killing 1-year-old Marcus White Junior in 2013, but charges were never filed.

For the first time, the family of Baby Marcus is sitting down with Channel 11.

The family told Channel 11′s Michele Newell it’s important for them to share how difficult it has been and that they are coming forward because they are fighting for justice. They’re painting a picture of that tragic day that they’ve never made public before.

Jameela Tyler, Baby Marcus’ mother, and her two sisters walked Newell through their day of terror, heartache and their search for justice.

“He was just Happy. Every picture you see, every memory you have, he’s smiling and laughing,” Shedayah Tyler, the aunt of Baby Marcus, said.

In every picture one thing is very clear, Baby Marcus was so loved. Even now, Jameela Tyler will never forget the day she lost her little boy.

“I get a phone call from my brother Andrew and he was like, ‘You need to get up East Hills." I was like, ‘What’s wrong?’ He was like, 'Marcus got shot.’ I’m like, ‘Marcus?’ I’m thinking my son’s dad," Jameela Tyler said.

But it wasn’t her son’s dad. It was her baby boy at a picnic in East Hills with his two aunts.

“I was watching them play the game. Literally all I remember is everybody running. Everybody just started running," Shedayah Tyler said. “Literally, I picked him up and it might’ve happened, like, within 60 seconds."

Shedayah Tyler had her nephew in her arms and she fell to the ground. She had no idea one of the bullets went through her. She said she looked at Marcus and saw blood. She thought it was because they fell to the ground, then it dawned on her.

Their other sister, Kadejiah Tyler, tried to run over to help, but she was shot in the hail of bullets too.

“Trying to get to them the whole time I’m shot as well,” Kadejiah Tyler said.

Baby Marcus’ parents rushed to the hospital.

“He was like, ‘We’re sorry to tell you he didn’t make it,’ and we tore the room up. I’ll say that much,” Jameela Tyler said.

Only then did she find out her sisters were shot, too.

“We went to Presby and that’s where I found out the full story with my sisters,” Jameela Tyler said.

Kadejiah Tyler is still living with a constant reminder of the tragedy. The bullet that hit her is still in her body.

Now years later, old wounds are opening back up.

The family fighting for justice recently learned on social media that a man allegedly confessed to Baby Marcus’ murder -- a tidbit that came out in open court during the trial of two men charged in the Wilkinsburg mass shooting and something that has the family questioning District Attorney Stephen Zappala.

“Zappala, How do you sleep at night? Literally, you went home to your family everyday while my sister and her boyfriend and the rest of us are left wondering every night,” Shedayah Tyler said.

You can watch the full interview below: