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Pa. lawmaker working to pass bill that would abolish statute of limitations for child sex crimes


A grand jury report on allegations of sex abuse in six Roman Catholic dioceses in Pennsylvania, including in Pittsburgh, is expected to be released later this month.

The Association of Pittsburgh Priests, an independent group, released a statement saying that, while they accept "institutional complicity," they're also asking people to not judge any innocent people mentioned along with offender.

A state lawmaker who said a priest abused him when he was a child is hoping the report will help him and other victims.

State Rep. Mark Rozzi said he's no longer just a victim, and that he's on a "personal mission" to drop the statue of limitations for crimes like the one he said he endured.

He's working on a bill that would abolish any statute of limitations for child sexual abuse crimes, allowing victims who do not come forward right away to seek justice.

Click here to watch the full report from Channel 11's Lisa Sylvester.