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Teenager organizes peaceful protest in Monroeville

MONROEVILLE, Pa. — Hundreds of people gathered to protest in the name of George Floyd in Monroeville Tuesday afternoon.

Monroeville Police said they kept an eye on the demonstration to keep everyone safe.

“It’s for justice and peace. Like if the police keep shooting black innocent people for no reason, that’s not right,” Elena, the organizer, said.

Crowds of peaceful protesters moved onto Route 22, blocking traffic.

The crowd then moved down Mosside Boulevard.

They then came back to block the Route 22 intersection near Lowe’s.

A little after 4 p.m., the crowd dispersed and Route 22 was back open.

“They have a voice too because we’re only going to be able to do this so long. So eventually my son who is 9 and his friends are going to be older and we need them to do it the right ways, peacefully, respectfully, and be a proud representation of the community,” Tamera Dixon said.

Dixon was marching alongside the hundreds of others to spread a message she hopes reaches the community.

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