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Indoor facilities reopening at 23 rest stops in Pa.


HARRISBURG, Pa. — The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is reopening indoor facilities at 23 rest areas to all motorists.

"While unnecessary travel is discouraged as we all do our part to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19, we understand that some trips are necessary and that access to rest areas is important," acting PennDOT secretary Yassmin Gramian said. "We are constantly evaluating our actions and services in responding to this emergency and will make adjustments where we can safely do so."

The following rest areas are being reopened, returning to normal service with additional cleaning and maintenance:

  • Interstate 79 northbound in Allegheny County, 8 miles north of Exit 45
  • Interstate 79 northbound in Crawford County, 8 miles north of Exit 154
  • Interstate 79 southbound in Crawford County, 3 miles south of Exit 166
  • Interstate 79 northbound in Lawrence County, 3.5 miles north of Exit 105
  • Interstate 79 southbound in Lawrence County, 3.5 miles south of Exit 113
  • Interstate 79 northbound in Mercer County, 5 miles south of Exit 141
  • Interstate 79 southbound in Mercer County, 6 miles north of Exit 130
  • Interstate 80 eastbound in Centre County, 13 miles east of Exit 133
  • Interstate 80 westbound in Centre County, .5 miles west of Exit 147
  • Interstate 80 eastbound in Jefferson County, 1 mile east of Exit 86
  • Interstate 80 westbound in Jefferson County, 10 miles west of Exit 97
  • Interstate 80 eastbound in Montour County, 4.5 miles east of Exit 215
  • Interstate 80 westbound in Montour County, 4.5 miles west of Exit 224
  • Interstate 80 eastbound in Venango County, .5 miles east of Exit 29
  • Interstate 80 westbound in Venango County, 4 miles west of Exit 35
  • Interstate 81 northbound in Cumberland County, .5 miles north of Exit 37
  • Interstate 81 southbound in Cumberland County, 5.5 miles south of Exit 44
  • Interstate 81 northbound in Lackawanna County, .5 miles north of Exit 202
  • Interstate 81 northbound in Luzerne County, 1.5 miles north of Exit 155
  • Interstate 81 southbound in Luzerne County, 1.5 miles south of Exit 159
  • Interstate 81 southbound in Susquehanna County, 4 miles south of Exit 211
  • Interstate 84 eastbound in Pike County, 6 miles east of Exit 20
  • Interstate 84 westbound in Pike County, 1 mile west of Exit 26

The Pennsylvania Turnpike is still not accepting cash or credit cards.

The PA Turnpike Commission announced it was suspending tollbooth stops in order to help stop the spread of coronavirus.

“This temporary measure is critical to enable us to support the Commonwealth in its efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19,” said PA Turnpike CEO Mark Compton. “I want to be clear that we will return to normal toll-collection operations as soon as it becomes practical.”

All tolls will be assessed electronically using E-ZPass or the Toll By Plate program.

If you don’t have an E-ZPass you should use the lanes market “tickets” on entry and “cash” on exit but don’t stop at the tollbooth, just keep driving. You’ll receive an invoice for the tolls in the mail.