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Pittsburgh bridge collapse: hear the chilling radio calls for help


PITTSBURGH — After a major bridge collapsed into a ravine in Pittsburgh’s Point Breeze neighborhood, the initial calls for help and for more resources were urgent.

“We either have a partial bridge collapse at that bridge that goes over Frick Park, or we got a vehicle wrecked off of the bridge that fell approximately 100 feet into Frick Park,” a voice on a police scanner said.

First responders quickly realized the severity of the situation. As the concrete crumbled, drivers were trapped as their vehicles cascaded downward. Police radio calls captured all of it.

“Port Authority dispatch, I have Bus 3309 that is on that bridge with several passengers inside. He is confirming the bridge has collapsed,” an officer said.

Thankfully everyone survived the collapse, but another threat emerged of a potential gas leak.

“Whether the pipe was running underneath the bridge collapsed or not, it’s unsure at this time. We also have a hazard of natural gas there,” rescuers said.

People living nearby were evacuated for a short time.