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Pittsburgh mayor done with politics after losing Democratic primary

PITTSBURGH — “I’m just a kid from Chartiers Valley who had this crazy dream to be the mayor of Pittsburgh,” said Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto.

Just days after losing the Democratic primary, Peduto reflected on his eight years in office, and likely turning over the city’s highest position to State Representative Ed Gainey, who defeated him in the primary election.

”My role is to make it so Ed Gainey succeeds; so, whatever Ed needs he will get,” said Peduto.

Like many political observers, Peduto tells Channel 11 he was surprised by the primary results.

”One of the larger turnouts for a Democratic primary in the modern era, and it was fueled by progressives and younger voters,” said Peduto.

When Peduto leaves office, he tells Channel 11 he will take a year off and travel to South America and Antarctica.

Peduto says he hopes to eventually work for a nonprofit organization focusing on the environment.

”Would you ever entertain a job in the Biden administration?,” said Rick Earle.

”I certainly would,” said Puduto.

This past week, Peduto spoke with President Biden over the phone and asked him if he knew of any job openings.

”I said, hey — while I got you on the phone — do you know anyone who’s hiring? And, he laughed and said ‘yes of course,’” said Peduto.

As for political office, Peduto, who once served as a city councilmember, says he is done with politics.

“I have no desire to run for any elective office ever again. I’ve dedicated over 30 years of my life to the City of Pittsburgh, and I don’t regret one minute of it. And, I look back at where the city was and where it is today, it’s night and day; and there’s no denying it,” said Peduto.

Peduto also tells Channel 11 he is interested in writing a book on urban economies, as well as teaching at the college level.