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Pittsburgh police partner with local non-profit to give away free masks


PITTSBURGH — As the coronavirus pandemic continues to play out, the Pittsburgh Police are working to keep everyone safe, one mask at a time.

The public safety initiative is called “Need a Mask, Take a Mask,” and it's that simple.

Pittsburgh Police have partnered with local nonprofit Global Links to make sure all residents can get a free mask so that they can follow Gov. Tom Wolf’s statewide order.

Global Links donated more than 10,000 locally manufactured masks to make this initiative a reality.

Newspaper boxes are now set up in front of all six zones as well as in front of two Pittsburgh Police substations across town.

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They’re stocked with free, individually wrapped cloth masks.

The coin-operated part of the boxes, in which you would normally insert money to purchase a newspaper, has been disabled, so anyone is welcome to take a mask.

Masks are also being handed out with grab-and-go lunches at senior and recreation centers.

Pittsburgh Police say there is a great need, and it’s important we all do our part.

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“If we all wear our masks, we’re going to get through this a lot quicker. And a lot easier with a lot less people hurt or sick,” said Sergeant Tiffany Costa of the Pittsburgh Police Community Outreach Office.

You can find a mask at the following locations:

  • Zone 1 Police Station - ‪1501 Brighton Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15212
  • Northview Heights Police Substation (during open hours) - ‪441 Mt Pleasant Rd, Pittsburgh, PA 15214
  • Zone 2 Police Station - ‪2000 Centre Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15219‬
  • Zone 2 Downtown Substation (during open hours) - ‪604 Liberty Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15222‬
  • Zone 3 Police Station - ‪830 E Warrington Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15210‬
  • Zone 4 Police Station - ‪5858 Northumberland St, Pittsburgh, PA 15217‬
  • Zone 5 Police Station - ‪1401 Washington Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA 15206‬
  • Zone 6 Police Station - ‪312 S Main St, Pittsburgh, PA 15220

Pittsburgh Police say kids under the age of 2 should not wear a mask due to a risk of suffocation.