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Pittsburgh Zoo's African lion, Razi, has died


PITTSBURGH — Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium officials announced Wednesday the passing of their 10-year-old African lion, Razi.

Zoo officials said Razi suffered a grand mal seizure Sunday, fell in his exhibit and fractured his jaw.  Razi has suffered from idiopathic epilepsy for the past 6 ½ years.

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Zoo staff determined it was not in his best interest to perform surgery and that he could not maintain a good quality of life because of his increased seizure rate.

"It is a sad day for all of us," Pittsburgh Zoo President and CEO, Dr. Barbara Baker said. "Our animals are like members of our family, and losing a family member is tough. Razi was a magnificent animal and will also be missed by our visitors, who developed a bond with him and his brother, Ajani."


Razi was first diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy after experiencing a seizure in the spring of 2013. It is a very rare condition in lions.

Razi was placed on anti-seizure medications, which kept his seizures at a controlled level without leading to secondary liver changes, which can be a side effect of the treatment.

Razi came to the zoo with Ajani in 2012.

They had been together over the years and  had a special bond.  Keepers are keeping a close eye on Ajani.