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Someone is breaking into locked cars in Avalon, surveillance video captures suspect


PITTSBURGH — Residents in Avalon Borough woke up Wednesday morning to find their cars broken into and items missing.

Many of the vehicles parked along Florence Avenue and Cleveland Avenue were locked, and residents want to know how someone was able to gain access to them.

Not only were several locked cars broken into, but some break-ins were captured on a neighbor’s surveillance camera.

This video will hopefully help police catch the people who are responsible.

David Shane is one of the victims.

“When this happened, I was furious trying to figure out how I’m going to bait them and catch them. Of course, (I) contacted law enforcement.”

His brother-in-law’s car was also targeted. “They actually broke into his car as well. Stole a pair of AirPods and some money,” Shane said.

The break-in happened early Tuesday morning, and Shane knew something was wrong right away.

When Shane walked outside, all of his windows were rolled down, his sunroof was open, and the big question is how that happened to begin with. He also knew something was wrong when he saw show boxes from his car scattered through the street; it was no surprise that they were empty.

“The glove box was open. The center console was up. Some things thrown around,” Shane explained.

Shane says his shoes, clothes and even money were stolen.

“It’s probably a lesson I learned, like most people a long time ago, not to leave belongings in your vehicle or things of worth, but I wasn’t anticipating having it being taken,” he said.

It couldn’t have happened at a worse time. Shane is visiting from Florida, but is looking for a job right now because he wants to move to Pittsburgh.

“If you are a business owner, you need anything marketing, someone to grow your brand — I’m your guy.”

In the meantime — Shane is trying to be positive.

“Could’ve been much worse, and at the end of the day, I hope someone gets to enjoy the shoes.”