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Police find abandoned, neglected dog inside New Castle home


Officers investigating a reported robbery at Westview Terrace found a dog abandoned and neglected inside the home.

Three days after New Castle police saved a 10-week-old puppy's life, they posted her progress on Facebook.

She's eating, is very friendly and even has a new name -- Miranda.

Miranda was much different when New Castle police found her Saturday morning while on a call.

She was locked in an abandoned apartment for almost three weeks with no food and no water. When police found her, she was barely moving and they could see the outline of her bones.


The Lawrence County Humane Society now has the dog, according to police. Police hope to charge the previous tenants.

"They went into the bedroom and the puppy was laying on the ground -- couldn't lift its head up, couldn’t do anything other than try to shuffle over to the officers on the side,” said Chief Bobby Salem, of the New Castle Police Department.

The puppy was so bad off the vet said she probably had 24 hours to live. The good news she's already gained one pound.

Salem is so proud of the police officers for saving Miranda's life that he posted to the New Castle police Facebook page, posted picture of the guys taking good care of her and the post went viral.

It has been viewed 800,000 times with 56 hundred shares and counting.

It's going to take some time for little Miranda to get up to speed but eventually she will be available for adoption... and lots of people want her.

"He couldn’t even lift his head up at first, but if you pet him, he wags her tail. I think he knew he was going to be OK,” Salem said.

For developments and updates, you can like WPXI’s Amy Marcinkiewicz on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.