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Port Authority hires consultant to take closer look at bus fares


PITTSBURGH — Port Authority of Allegheny County officials voted Friday to take a closer look at bus fares with the help of a consultant.

At a board meeting, directors gave a California consultant, Four Nine Technologies, a $210,000 contract to review possible fare changes.

Last month, bus riders rallied downtown, calling for lower and more equitable bus fares.

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They had three specific demands: to eliminate the cash penalty, allow free transfers and fare capping.

“From the jump, it will be fare capping, so fare capping means we set a threshold in which she spent enough for a day,” bus rider Tarirek Williams said. “A day pass is $7. So, ideally, your fare mechanism can talk back-and-forth.”


"The fare card right now can't record what you've spent in a day. But with fare-capping technology, he's going through Wi-Fi, which also brings up Wi-Fi for patrons and it lets the card and account know you hit the $7 a day for a day pass and convert it over," Port Authority CEO Katharine Kelleman said.

The Port Authority expects to have the consultant’s recommendations by the end of the year.