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Report: Police video shows Chelsa Wagner swearing, grabbing officer at Detroit hotel


DETROIT, MI — Police video of the incident involving Allegheny County Controller Chelsa Wagner and officers at a Detroit hotel reportedly shows her swearing at police and grabbing an officer's forearms, according to the Detroit News, which said it viewed the video Monday.

Wagner and her husband, Khari Mosley, were traveling and attended a concert in Detroit on Wednesday night. After the show, Wagner went to bed while her husband went to the hotel bar.

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Police said Mosley was intoxicated and had been causing problems, then couldn't get back into the hotel room because he did not have a key and his name was not on the reservation.

A reporter for Detroit News was given access to the police body cam video. According to that reporter, the videos shows police putting Mosley into a police car. Officers then head to Wagner's hotel room.

The door to the room was open, the report said, so police walked inside and asked Wagner to verify that Mosley is her husband. Wagner is heard on the video repeatedly giggling, the report said. 


During a sit-down interview with Channel 11 this past weekend, Wagner said she was not drunk during the incident.

“For them to be making this claim that I’m intoxicated, as you can see in the video, I’m perfectly fine,” Wagner said.

The video she’s referring to is cellphone video she released over the weekend.

The Detroit News says that the police video includes Mosely telling police, "Hands up, don't shoot. I'm not a threat. Y'all treat me a like a second-class citizen. Detroit is (expletive.)"

The report said that after touching an officer's forearm, there's a struggle between Wagner and the officer and she then falls to the ground saying, "I just want to know the reason you just assaulted me. I want my attorney. Let me tell you something. I'm the highest ranking (expletive) female elected official."

No charges have been filed.

Following the Detroit News report, Wagner and her husband released the following statement:

"After returning from Detroit, we scheduled time late Friday evening and all-day Saturday to meet one-on-one with national and Pittsburgh media outlets to share our story. While our response was fully stated in those interviews, we want to reiterate that our rights were grossly violated as guests of the Westin Hotel and visitors to the city of Detroit. We look forward to being fully vindicated on these matters. Presently, we are taking time out to recover and spend time with our children."