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Restaurant owner loses father, son to COVID-19 less than 36 hours apart


WASHINGTON, Pa. — Alan Collins lost both his father and son just 36 hours apart from COVID-19.

“My father will be buried this Thursday. My son will be buried Friday, a day after each other, just like they passed,” Collins said.

Collins owns Al’ an Rubens bar and restaurant in Washington. He said his father was admitted to the hospital last week with COVID-19 symptoms. While he was there visiting, he got a call from his daughter-in-law about his son.

“We are rushing your son to the hospital. He is weak and can’t breathe,” Collins said. “They told me he was on a ventilator like my father. I knew it was going to be bad.”

Collins’ son leaves behind four children and a wife. If you’d like to donate to the family, you can do so through CashApp to $MoMahogany or through GoFundMe (CLICK HERE).