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South Hills restaurant owner ordered to pay nearly $90,000 in penalties, back wages


BETHEL PARK, Pa. — A South Hills restaurant is facing a major fine.

The U.S. Department of Labor ordered Danny Rowsick, owner of Danny’s Pizza & Hoagies in Bethel Park, on Wednesday to pay nearly $90,000 in penalties and back wages to 16 of its current and former employees.

Federal officials say Rowsick violated overtime and recordkeeping provisions of labor law.

"There’s enough software out there where it should just be punch numbers into a computer and pay them," said customer Justin Riley. "They need their money."


Investigators say from 2015-18 Rowsick paid his employees in straight time with unrecorded cash for overtime instead of mandated time-and-a-half, leading to recordkeeping violations.

Rwsick must pay nearly $40,000 in back wages and an equal amount in liquidated damages to 16 employees, some of whom no longer work there.

Rowsick told Channel 11 he hasn't read the judgment and had no comment at the moment.