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Staffing shortages slam healthcare industry; massive need for nurses

PITTSBURGH — Staffing shortages are impacting nearly every industry across the board, but its the healthcare industry that is getting slammed at a time when doctors and nurses are needed the most.

The American Nurses Association predicts there will be more nursing jobs available than any other profession by next year.

“We are seeing a lot of nurses seeking different career paths or leaving the bedside and coming to us saying what else can we do,” said Nadia Moore, creator of Nurses Anonymous.

UPMC officials said it is hiring more than 1,300 nurses in the Pittsburgh area. 1,100 of them work bedside. For Allegheny Health Network, it is looking to hire more than 300 nurses and expects the staffing crunch to get worse.

“Knowing that you are not just on the front line by yourself. Knowing that you have an army behind you and there are resources and ways to manage and help prevent burnout,” Moore said.

Moore said she started the group last year here in Pittsburgh, but people are now joining from all over the world.

The group meets virtually every other Tuesday.