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State rep wants to bring back proposed Mon Valley highway


PITTSBURGH — Some say traffic from the Mon Valley into downtown Pittsburgh can be a nightmare. Now, Channel 11 learned there are renewed talks to help commuters in this region with a new four-lane highway.

Officials with State Representative Mike Puskaric’s office said they are proposing a $200 million to $300 million three mile four-lane highway. It would contain a bus only lane too, connecting the Mon Fayette Expressway to Pittsburgh near the Glenwood Bridge.

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Officials said the highway would run parallel to the 885 connector.

“I think it’s a great idea. It would eliminate a lot of traffic,” explained Kurk Trimnal.

For construction worker Kurk Trimnal, he said it would help and the new highway is needed.

“I think it would break it down so you don’t have to go through downtown all the time,” he said.


Channel 11 reached out to PennDOT to find out what the process for approval would look like. Officials said a feasibility study would have to be conducted, which could run between $350,000 to $500,000. The current cost of such a highway could run in the hundreds of millions of dollars.

That is tax money some people say they would be willing to spend, but only if it helps.

“As a taxpayer, would you mind paying a little of that? Not if it eliminates a lot of the traffic, heck no."

As of Friday, there was no word on if any study would start taking place.