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Tornado hits Washington Co., damages man's property


UNION TOWNSHIP, Pa. — The National Weather Service confirmed a tornado touched down in Washington County on Sunday night.

An EF-0 tornado hit on Airport Road in Finleyville with winds between 65-85 mph, according to the National Weather Service.

The homeowner, Daniel Taylor, told Channel 11 the storm was so loud he couldn't hear the television.

He rushed to the window around 8 p.m. Sunday and was shocked to see a tall line of trees all bending in the storm winds, nearly touching the ground.


Taylor told Channel 11 he was afraid the trees were going to crash down, when suddenly, parts of his garage began flying through the air.

"Soon as I saw that debris flying by my house, I'm getting in the basement," Taylor said.

The tornado ripped the electric meter off his home, brought down power lines, several large trees and left a hole in the second story of his garage, where his wife works.

She was not there and no one was hurt.

The National Weather Service team used eyewitness reports, photographs and on-site findings, which included signs of rotating winds.

The damage track was only 50 feet wide and about 200 yards long, beginning near the Finleyville Airport.

Damage to airplane hangers and several trees was reported, with one large pine tree snapped at the base.

The tornado also moved a wooden vehicle trailer about 30 feet.