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Volunteers decorate veterans' graves in Oakmont for Memorial Day


OAKMONT, Pa. — A local group spent the day decorating the graves of veterans for Memorial Day.

For the third straight year, the Oakmont Lions Club planted 600 geraniums on the graves of military members in the cemetery at Oakmont.

There are veterans from the Civil War, World War I and World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War buried in the cemetery.

Many no longer have family in the area to decorate their graves for the holiday, so the club decided to do it themselves.

"We dust them off with a broom., pull out weeds, put a flower on just as our way of saying, 'Thank you for your service,' and we want them to know they are not forgotten," said Gary Rogers, of the Oakmont Lions Club.

We're told more than 40 people came to help plant flowers.