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Woman accused of dragging death of boyfriend in court

BUTLER, Pa. — The woman accused of killing her boyfriend by dragging him behind her van during a domestic dispute was in court Friday.

Investigators said Jessica Royall, 28, was drunk when she got into a fight with her boyfriend, Ryan Minett, 27, of New Brighton.

Royall is accused of driving about a half-mile along Cross Creek Drive in Cranberry Township with Minett hanging from the side of her van while she blew through stop signs. Police said he clung to the vehicle, fell, slid and struck a light pole.

He died the next day. Minett’s childhood friend, Andrew Dietz, received his kidney in a lifesaving transplant.

RELATED STORY: Father remembers man killed after being dragged by van

Royall is charged with homicide by vehicle while DUI. Testimony in court Friday revealed her blood alcohol content level was .11 and she had cocaine in her system.

Her attorney, Bill Difenderfer, said she had two shots of rum after the incident. He also said Royall is the victim, explaining that she was in fear for her life that day and left her house to avoid a fight with Minett, who jumped onto the roof rack of her car as she took off.


RELATED STORY: Man receives kidney from friend killed in van dragging incident

"Yes, most definitely she is a victim," said Bill Difenderfer. "She was fearful for her life. He’s the one that jumped onto the car.

"Down the road, this case is going to be dismissed because it does not rise to the level of a DUI and homicide."