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Woman dies after officer-involved shooting in Greensburg


GREENSBURG, Pa. — A woman has died after an officer-involved shooting in Greensburg.

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It happened at the intersection of Grant Street and Harvey Avenue. Police said the woman was armed.

"She was shooting down toward Harvey Avenue, toward a building," said Capt. Bob Stafford, with the Greensburg Police Department. Police told Channel 11 she was on her front porch and also shot at a car around 3:30 p.m.

Two nearby schools, Nicely Elementary and Greensburg-Salem Middle School, were both placed on lockdown.

When police showed up, they say the woman still had the gun.

"Officers started to give her the command to drop the weapon, drop the weapon," Stafford said. "One of the officers on scene deployed the less-lethal shotgun with a bean bag."

Police told Channel 11 that didn't work and the woman just stumbled.


"She started bringing a handgun up, and the second officer fired rounds at her," Stafford said.

Police said at least one round went into a door of a business complex across Route 819.