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Yet again, an alligator was caught in our area; this time at the grocery store


SHALER, Pa. — An alligator was caught in the parking lot of an Allegheny County Giant Eagle.

The baby alligator was first spotted in the grass by the drive-thru pharmacy. It startled some employees as they showed up for work.

The two-foot alligator was later captured by Shaler police and is now in the care a wildlife specialist.

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Police are now looking for the owner.

In the meantime, Big Daddy Wildlife was called in and took possession of the gator.

"People buy these things, don't realize how big they're going to get and then they don't know what to do with them and take them and let them go,” Paul McIntyre of Big Daddy Wildlife Removal said.

Big Daddy Wildlife officials said they are hoping to place to reptile with a center that puts on educational programs for children.

This is the fourth alligator found in our area this summer.

In June, three alligators were on the loose in three separate instances. They were taken to a New Jersey zoo until they could be moved to Florida.